HELIN Institute Initial Focus
30 years ago, founder Ronald T. Hickey found himself stopped at a traffic signal in downtown Oakland. A young African-American female with six children attracted his attention. The children were stair-stepped, maybe 11 to 6 years of age. The seven of them were coming out of a day-old bakery. Their clothing was tattered and sullied. Their bodies looked tired and unclean, as if they had been sleeping under a bridge or some other form of homeless shelter. Ron began to internalize their lot in life and wondered about the circumstances that had befallen them. He contemplated all the bad decisions the young mother must have made in her life that led to her exiting a day-old bakery with six children that she apparently could not properly care for. He considered all of the people in her life whom had failed to provide some sort of assistance to help lift her from her state of socio-economic disenfranchisement. Then, suddenly, without warning, Ron was overcome with the questions: “Who are they to me? And who am I to them?” Ron has often wondered what fate may have brought to this Sister of his and her six children. If still alive, she is approximately 55 years of age, and her children are perhaps 38 to 33 years of age. Ron came to call her HELIN. The initial focus of the HELIN Institute will be the creation of public policy designed to impact the lives of all mothers in America struggling on the underside of poor education, poor access to quality healthcare, lack of economic opportunity and unequal justice under the law.

The HELIN Institute will focus on public policy questions in the state of California relating to the health, education, employment, and the social and economic freedoms of urban inner-city minority females and their children. Minorities in America tend to be in the lowest margins of education and employment. Under-education leads to severe and crippling under-employment. Under-employment leads to unrealized social and economic rights. If we can create public policy that results in a quality education for those most disenfranchised by poor systemic public education then we also create public policy that leads to social and economic rights of the poor. We must form a better union that supports the well-being of all Americans, equally.
At the HELIN Institute, we espouse the position that the under-served population represents natural residual resources in our communities that can be realized, recovered, re-imagined, re-instituted, realigned, redeveloped and redistributed as a condition of public policy that increases the health equity and education equality, social freedoms and economic viability within all communities across the nation landscape.

HELIN Institute Political Space
The HELIN Institute will start by examining, avowing and designing public policy decisions at the California state level and then aim for national polity. Private industry will be researched and analyzed in evaluation and promotion of the employment opportunities for people of color, insomuch as the laws, public policies and public education systems of the state of California and the nation provide for the disparaging unemployment rate of African-American, Latino/Hispanic and other socially and economically disenfranchised men and women.

Emerging Leaders
The Human Endowment Leadership Inter-National Institute (HELIN) creates an exciting human environment where Emerging Leaders can increase their global awareness and collaborate on a collective 21st century social dictate, while forging a future in which all of mankind may develop magnificent visions for success in the global institutes of public policy, economy, and leadership.
Program Mission
Emerging minds will collaborate with world-class leaders in a culturally and socially diverse learning environment to develop the intellectual capacities and cognitive skills required to make innovative, global-minded, bold, and mission-critical decisions that will one day transform the world.
Program Overview
At the HELIN Institute, great leaders come together to create an amalgamation to inspire cohesive, innovative, inclusive, value-driven, and highly productive cultures. In order to design a leadership program tailored specifically for emerging global human endowment leaders, we asked ourselves: what world will today’s youth inherit, and what will they require to develop an international-consciousness and become stalwart citizens and leaders in their world. Our answer starts at the core and spans outward: Aspiring world leaders need a supportive and capable community of peers and highly-trained mentors with whom to discern and determine the length, width, depth and complexity of the ever evolving circumstances of their world.
Signature Programs
- Year-at-the-Institute Leadership Fellows Program
- 9-Months Leadership Prototype Program
- Intensive Summer Leadership Program
- 50 for 50 Ambassador Entrepreneur Program

Dr. Ralph F. Murphy II is the Executive Director of all HELIN Institute Leadership Development Programs. He is an international scholar with 15 years of experience increasing academic success and professional achievement within education. He has led student success initiatives positively impacting recruitment and persistence to completion rates for a diverse demographic of learners while working at Ohio State University, Cuyahoga Community College, Blue Mountain Community College, and, most recently, Illinois Central College. His charismatic innovative teaching and learning style is revered by students and admired by colleagues across the world. Dr. Murphy develops curriculum with objectives focused on cognitive thinking skills and holistic perspective problem solving abilities, in addition to consciously embedding diverse connections for all learners. Furthermore, Dr. Murphy is an exceptional leader committed to achieving greatness, please review accomplishment below:
- Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Maven Scholar Consulting LLC.
- 4.6/5 Business Professor rating according to ratemyprofessor.com.
- Secured over $2,000,000 in grants and donations for student achievement initiatives.
- Published five books and four articles.
- Served on two successful dissertation committees.
Leadership Program Brochure

Director of Youth Development Programs