HELIN Institute Values
“This Institution supports the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights. Our social, economic and political rights are subjugated by private enterprise and public polity from which the opportunities of freedom, prosperity and social harmony emits. Our belief is Government should undertake governmental, social and/or economic action(s), where public policy, or private industry, fails to equitably secure fair treatment under the laws for all American citizens… The overall mission of this Institution is, from its correspondences, to present the voice of pure reason and the will of humanity in support of equal opportunity, and by the study of these correspondences and their publication, to extend mankind’s anthropic endeavors to live lives of power, prosperity and peace; and to preserve for every Americans their rights to the American way of life. This Institution is not, and must not be, a mere research laboratory; but with these purposes as its aspiration, the Institution must incessantly illuminate the great path of liberty and justice, pave the road in gold to social harmony, and advance the inalienable right to, and the security of, the American dream.”

National Think Tank
Why this Think Tank? The simple answer is that we need more Think Tanks focused on issues specific to the social and economic rights of the underserved in our urban cities. Essentially, the underserved population represents natural residual resources in our communities that can be recovered, realigned and redistributed to increase the economic viability in our inner-city urban areas. The United States does not have enough policy research institutes to help address the challenges we face in the areas of poor access to quality healthcare, under-education, and low employment of the socially and economically deprived citizens in our communities of color. Instead, and because of this deficit in the Think Tank conglomeration, we have to rely heavily on policy ideas coming from policy institutions, research centers and consultancies designed in favor of social agendas and public policies with no genuine intentions of benefitting the people living in marginalized circumstances. Think Tanks in America tend to follow very traditional business models that make them expensive and inflexible. Even new Think Tanks tend to follow the same model and; therefore, are hard to ‘sell’ to existing or new funders. Who would want to finance a new Think Tank if the bill is close to a million US dollars? If it means renting or buying an office, furnishing it, staffing it with lots of administrative staff (as well as cleaners and security), hiring expensive senior researchers with lots of demands, and then wait for months or years before the first outputs start coming out of the Think Tank, who would have the patience? It is time to think of a new model for Think Tanks. New Think Tanks can take full advantage of technology, new digital tools and innovative resources, including some of the best practices from more established Think Tanks across the world. Expensive office space is not required, and research is free to anyone with access to the internet. Literary outputs can be instant, with online blogs; and quality self-publishing provides for offering full-length books and annual reports in a very short period of time. This, I believe, goes beyond new tools to do old things. It means thinking of entirely new business models: new ways of delivering the same (or more) value to society.
HELIN Institute Founders, Directors and Officers:
- Co-Founder & Director: Dr. Eugene Spencer
- Co-Founder & Director: Allen W. Warren
- Co-Founder & Director: Dr. Terrence Schofield
- Co-Founder & Chairman: Dr. Stan “Data” Dobbs
- Co-Founder, President & CEO: Ronald T. Hickey
The principles of social, economic, and political rights; quality education; and representative public policy are fundamental to the vision of the Institution’s founders. By researching, collecting and analyzing information, formulating ideas, and promoting initiatives, the Institution seeks to create social harmony and advance human rights for all, and shape the public discourse relative to the disparate lives of the underserved and the disproportionately disadvantaged living in the margins of society–Advancing the human spirit.

Ronald Hickey – President & CEO – Institute Fellow
Ron is the consummate professional and has vast knowledge and experience in a variety of industries.
He exemplifies exceptionalism. His professional curriculum vitae reads as follows:
- Chief Executive Officer at Hickey Associates & Hickey
- Publisher & Founder at Hickey House Books, a book publishing firm
- Author, AMAZINGLY RIDICULOUS: Dream Big, Be Ridiculous and Live an Amazing Life
- Author, 12 INSIGHTS: An Uncompromising Examination of Life
- Author, The Hoola Hoop Paradigm: Are You Up for the Challenge?
- Founder, Chairman & CEO of CHELSEA, Inc., California Non-profit Corporation – Created to “Increase the quality in Public Health, Education, Employment and Socio-economic conditions for all Americans.”
- Created the Hoola Hoop Paradigm – Consult organizations and individuals in change management, peak performance, operations management, and team building.
- 30 Years of experiences in Electrical Power Production, Facilities Management and Business Operations
- Served 8 Years as a Nuclear Engineer – United States Department of Defense – Naval Reactors
- 20 Years of experience as a Public Speaker, Seminar Facilitator, Workshop Developer
- 20 Years of experience as a Peak Performance/Management/Leadership Consultant and Life Coach

Dr. Stanley “Data” Dobbs, Chairman and Corporate CFO: Institute Fellow
California Public Schools – Superintendent, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Business Officer
Recognized at a White House ceremony for implementing effective, cutting-edge, student-centric programming in urban public education.
- Chief Operations Officer/Chief Management & Education Consultant
- Nominated for Superintendent of the Year by the National Association of School Superintendents.
- Closed a $92 Million deficit from the $2.0 Billion budget within the first 60-days employed averting layoffs for 1,600 teachers.
- Developed and presented Board policies related to financial, operational, child nutrition and business functions; Introduced computerized systems for business, financial, planning and assessment programs.
- Commander United States Navy – Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff
- Managed the command’s global $40 Billion budget, 6,800 aircraft, 11 nuclear aircraft carriers and 39 air stations.
- Developed algorithms to predict and forecast aircraft parts failure rates which averted unnecessary downtime for maintenance.
- Restructured operations empowering aircraft maintenance personnel to more effectively implement continuous process improvement practices and achieve efficiencies.
- Professor/Senior Lecturer/Motivational Speaker
- More than 10,000 hours of classroom online, hybrid, and in-class experience in support of academic, professional, and social development throughout the US using BlackBoard or similar systems.
- Specialize in Management Discipline: Systems, Organizational Leadership, and Strategic, Logistics/Supply Chain, Business Development, Finance, Accounting, Operations Research, Information Technology/ Enterprise Resource Planning (IT/ERP), and Contracts.
- Possess more than 15-years of experience as an executive problem solver at the federal, state and local levels for public and private clients.
- A master instructor at removing the fear of learning Statistics from non-technical/engineering discipline students

Myesha White- Corporate Secretary/Chief Fund Development Consultant
Myesha is an organizational development professional of the highest order and is an expert in fund/donor development, event planning and fundraising. She is an expert organizer and an exceptional thought leader. Her professional curriculum vitae reads as follows:
- 12 Years as a Professional Life Coach
- 10 Years in Non-profit Organizational Development
- Coming Book: The Better Half – 10 Choices Every Woman Has to Make
- Corporate Secretary, CHELSEA, Inc.
- Past Board Member, Reach Back Give Back, Inc.
- 10 Years of experience as a Youth Mentor and Youth Program Developer
- 5 Years of experience in Organizational Development and Change Management
- 10 Years of experience in Event Planning, Network Development, Database Management
- Seasoned Fundraiser and Donor Developer

Dr. Ralph F. Murphy II is the Executive Director of all HELIN Institute Leadership Development Programs and Institute Fellow. He is an international scholar with 15 years of experience increasing academic success and professional achievement within education. He has led student success initiatives positively impacting recruitment and persistence to completion rates for a diverse demographic of learners while working at Ohio State University, Cuyahoga Community College, Blue Mountain Community College, and, most recently, Illinois Central College. His charismatic innovative teaching and learning style is revered by students and admired by colleagues across the world. Dr. Murphy develops curriculum with objectives focused on cognitive thinking skills and holistic perspective problem solving abilities, in addition to consciously embedding diverse connections for all learners. Furthermore, Dr. Murphy is an exceptional leader committed to achieving greatness.
Notable Career Highlights:
• Founder and CEO of Maven Scholar Consulting, LLC.
• 4.6/5 Business Professor rating according to ratemyprofessor.com.
• Secured over $2,000,000 in grants and donations for student achievement initiatives.
• Published five books and four articles.
• Served on two successful dissertation committees.

The HELIN Institute is comprised of Exceptional Men and Women:
- Board members: Experts in the subject matter. People who know about Think Tanks and about the various aspects of their work: management, communications, fundraising, networking, recruiting, creative thinking, thought leadership, etc.
- Fellows/Researchers: Subject matter experts with the ability to produce literary outputs, secure resources, support fundraising, and connected to a vast network of constituents.
- Funders: Individuals and institutions committed to the values of the HELIN Institute.